Understanding Difference between Arabica and Robusta

Table of Contents

What are Arabica and Robusta?

Coffee is a diverse beverage enjoyed by people around the world, and there are numerous coffee species such as Arabica (coffea arabica), Robusta (coffea canephora), Liberica (coffea liberica), etc. Arabica and Robusta are two of the most commonly cultivated and well-known species of coffee beans for commercial purpose worldwide. Below is the table of short comparison between the two.

growing altitudeabove 600masl0 ~ 800masl
diseasesless resistantrelatively resistant
caffeine content1.5%2.7%
Arabica and Robusta comparison table.

Difference between Arabica and Robusta in Growing Conditions

Arabica and Robusta thrive in different environments, reflecting their diverse origins. Arabica plants flourish at higher altitudes, over 600 meters above sea level. They require a subtropical climate with mild temperatures, abundant rainfall, and shade. These delicate plants demand meticulous care and attention to protect them from diseases and pests.

In contrast, Robusta exhibits a greater tolerance for warmer temperatures and direct sunlight. It can grow at lower altitudes, typically up to 800 masl. Robusta’s hardier nature makes it more resistant to pests and diseases, making cultivation comparatively easier.

Caffeine Content Comparison

For many, caffeine content is a crucial factor in their coffee selection. Robusta beans pack nearly double the amount of caffeine compared to Arabica. With an average caffeine content of 2.7%, Robusta delivers a powerful jolt of energy. If you rely on coffee to kickstart your mornings or need an extra boost during the day, Robusta might be your go-to choice. Meanwhile, Arabica contains about 1.5% caffeine, making it a milder option for those seeking a more moderate caffeine intake.

Taste Difference between Arabica and Robusta

The two different coffees provide unique flavour profiles due to their genetic distinctions and the specific growing conditions they require. Arabica coffee is typically grown at higher altitudes, which offer cooler temperatures. This environment encourages a slower ripening process for coffee cherries. This extended maturation period allows the cherries to develop a richer array of sugars and flavours, resulting in the nuanced and aromatic taste.

Arabica presents a wider range of flavours, including fruity, floral, and nutty notes. This contributes to the milder, smoother, and more complex flavour profile that is often preferred by specialty coffee enthusiasts. In contrast, Robusta boasts a bolder and more robust taste profile. With earthy and woody notes, it carries a stronger and sometimes more bitter flavour.

Global Market Influence

Arabica coffee holds a prominent position in the global coffee market, constituting roughly 60-70% of market share. Due to its finicky cultivation requirements and the premium quality it offers, it tends to command a higher price. On the other hand, Robusta coffee makes up approximately 30-40% of the market. It is favored for its higher crop yields and resilience in adverse environmental conditions, which leads to greater availability and affordability. These attributes make Robusta a common choice for espresso blends and instant coffee products, where cost-effectiveness often plays a key role.


Understanding the disparities between Arabica and Robusta is key to discovering your perfect cup of coffee. Whether you’re a professional, a casual, or home barista, exploring the diversity of those coffee beans can enhance your understanding in coffee.

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