What’s the Difference between Long Black and Americano?

From bustling coffee shops in Melbourne to cozy cafes in New York City, the allure of coffee transcends borders and captivates taste buds worldwide. As the popularity of Long Black and Americano continues to grow worldwide, the boundaries that define these two beverages have started to blur, leading to confusion among baristas and coffee enthusiasts alike. Today, we are about to embark on a captivating exploration of these two. As we journey through the origins, preparation methods, and the sensory experiences they offer, we uncover the unique stories behind these iconic drinks. Everyone from Sydney to San Francisco, get ready to dive into the delightful world of these caffeinated delights and discover what makes them truly special.

Countries in General Where These Are Served

Long Black and Americano are both widely enjoyed coffee beverages served in various countries across the world. However, in general, the Long Black is particularly popular in Australia and New Zealand, where it originated. On the other hand, the Americano is prominently consumed in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and European countries including Italy, France, Germany, and Spain. It is also appreciated in countries like Brazil, Argentina, Japan, South Korea, and various other regions with a thriving coffee scene.

Both Long Black and Americano can be enjoyed in specialty coffee shops and cafes worldwide, provided that the baristas are knowledgeable about the distinctions between the two beverages. By understanding the nuances of each coffee style, baristas can ensure that customers receive the authentic and specific experience associated with a Long Black or an Americano.

How You Make Long Black and Americano

Long Black and Americano share the same ingredients, consisting of hot water and a double shot of espresso. However, the notable distinction lies in the process of preparing each beverage, which ultimately influences the taste and aroma experienced by the drinkers. When preparing an Americano, you pour hot water over a double shot of espresso, whereas for a Long Black, the order is vice versa, with the espresso poured over the cup of hot water that is already prepared. Some baristas even position the cup closer to the spouts of the portafilter to achieve maximum crema floatation on top of the hot water.

Difference in Taste and Aroma

Given that both Long Black and Americano use the same coffee beans, the flavour should be the same. However, there are noticeable differences in the taste and aroma experienced by the drinkers. In a Long Black, the crema is preserved as the espresso is poured over hot water, resulting in a heightened aroma and richer mouthfeel that are particularly evident in the first few sips. On the other hand, an Americano provides a consistent taste throughout the drink as the espresso is thoroughly mixed with hot water, ensuring a uniform flavour from top to bottom.

Considering the distinct taste experiences, it is suggested to use different coffee beans for Long Black and Americano. For Long Black, beans with a lighter roast and prominent aromatic profiles are preferred to enhance the highlighted aroma. On the other hand, for Americano, it is recommended to use medium-roast beans with a fuller body and balanced flavour profile, as this beverage is enjoyable from the first sip to the last.


In conclusion, the journey through the realms of Long Black and Americano has unveiled the fascinating interplay between countries, preparation methods, and the resulting taste experiences. As these beverages gain popularity worldwide, their definitions may become blurred, leading to confusion among baristas and coffee enthusiasts. However, the distinct flavours, aromas, and brewing techniques of Long Black and Americano continue to captivate and delight. So, whether you prefer the wonderful aroma of a Long Black or the balanced sips of an Americano, embrace the diverse world of coffee, indulge in new experiences, and celebrate the artistry that makes each cup a unique pleasure.

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